Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Good morning.

I have been fighting this awful headache for 4 days. It's been coming and going, and gets worse as the day goes on. It's on one side of my head, but is not a migraine. It's frustrating because it's interfering with my sleep.

I have started my day, but realize that I need to eat breakfast soon. I also need to figure out a plan for later today because I will be on the road around lunch time. If I bring a protein shake and some fruit, I should be OK. It would be better if I didn't bring any money with me (well, I always carry a joint credit card for emergencies, but I never use it to buy alcohol because my partner and I share the account.)... although I do need some money because I am driving by Trader Joes, and I like to stock up. Maybe I'll just bring enough cash for what I need.

Oh, I just remembered, I committed to going swimming with my partner this afternoon after work. Duh..  that will make it so I don't buy alcohol.

One of the things I'm focusing on is following through with commitments. I'm sick of letting everyone down all the time.

Day two really leads up to me feeling antsy. I usually start to feel much better on day 3 and then I magically forget why I'm trying to be sober and I drink on day 4.

I just need to stay sober today. It is great not to wake up hungover.

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